» IMG_0009 » IMG_0009

Removed the dingy davits from the deck for two reasons. One to get the tarp fully over the top of the boat and prevent rain from running down through the cockpit while we have it exposed and two because it was sitting kind of kittywampus like it wasn’t lined up just right during an earlier removal. As has been the case with everything else we’ve removed, we were glad we did. We found a lot and I mean a lot of rot underneath it. This picture doesn’t actually show how deep it is under the davit plates. We’ve removed a lot of rot from the deck and will begin to repair it next. The dingy davits will remain off until we move it because truth be told, we were just a smidgeon higher than legally allowed when we moved it from Indiantown up here to Palm Coast and the driver ran with it. We don’t want to go through that again.

Image Data

Camera //
Date Taken // 01-01-1970 00:00
Dimensions // 1152 x 864
Aperture // f/0
Focal Length // 0mm
ISO // 0
Shutter Speed // 0.00 seconds